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How to Sale To GrowBot Owners
Oct 17, 2015

Automated Garden So You Get Fresher More Healthy Food
 The GrowBot is a great opportunity for not just growing your tasty, healthy, awesome food, saving time, getting and giving more love with your community and saving a ton of money but also making a buck. Some ideas I am happy to share.

1. GrowBot hosting .. this is where you have a big backyard, empty lot etc you can share with people nearby that don't have a space. You charge a nominal monthly rent to host other peoples GrowBots and provide them with water and wifi.
2. Grower .. you sell all your excess to people / businesses that want it.
3. Hardware producer .. you made the GrowBot even better and are happy to sell your upgrade to others.
4. Seed Producer .. you got awesome seeds, starter plants etc and are happy to sell them.
5. Plant Food producer you make some amazing plant food and want to sell it.
6. You have great Peat Pellet / Coconut Core Pellets to sale
7. Software upgrades ... you have some awesome upgrades to the growing algorithms, plant recognition, etc and you want to sell it.

We want you to sell those awesome things .. all of it. To help you amazing entrepreneurs the GrowBot owners will have a GrowBot store where your awesome products, services and software will be shown right beside our products. Imagine your product or service being displayed to millions of GrowBot owners that need it.


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