Meet the Inventor - James BrakeI was one of those very geeky kids that you always wondered what would happen to them. I did well in Silicon Valley but I got very sick physically and emotionally. I changed my life started eating healthy then started reaching out for help in other areas of my life. My family and I moved to Hawaii in 2013 to slow down and get closer to nature. Hawaii has been a good fit for us we have been very happy here.
Grow Bok Choi
Are Fresh Organic Vegetables Expensive in money and or time?
The main reason most people are unhealthy is because eating 100% organic is expensive. Growing a garden big enough to not require you to go to the grocery store is very time consuming, requires land and has a steep learning curve. Those were my problems. So I built a robot to grow a garden for my
family and I. We love just walking into the backyard picking the days veggies and that's with no weeding, no digging, no watering, no adding plant food(compost/worm tea) or mulch or sprinklers or drip lines etc. My friends started asking me to make GrowBots for them. At first I said no because I knew they are not easy to build economically. However I relented - I have some great friends that are very supportive and believe in me.
Grow Sweet Potato
Do you want a super easy gargen?
When you buy a GrowBot it's because you want to be more healthy, lower your food bill, save time, save effort and or eat more responsibly.
- The healthiest food is food produced using organic plant foods like seaweed, compost/worm teas, compost, naturally sourced minerals etc. Eating that healthy food either fresh or minimally cooked is also helpful in preserving the nutrition.
- The GrowBot also saves time and lowers your stress because you don't have to shop as often.
- Lowering your food bill is pretty simple. If you have one GrowBot planted with lettuce, chard, Kale, tomatoes, cucumbers and maybe a few other things. You can have one amazing salad a day. GrowBot can grow lots of other fruits, herbs and veggies. Variety is good for you.
- Eating responsibly is also pretty simple. Your food is not being transported by big diesel trucks/trains/boats from some farm many many many miles away. If you are not eating organic then that farm was also likely using toxic chemicals to kill bugs, weeds and mold that are also bad for you and bad for the shared environment we all live in. Those farms also have a lot of toxic chemical and fertilizer run off into the ocean which is causing dead zones in the oceans around the world. If you drive/commute to your local store then you are also helping there as well. Every little bit counts. You matter, I matter, we all matter. If we all do our part we can insure our future generations success.
Grow Freckled Lettuce, Basil, Butter Lettuce
I am doing everything I can to not only keep the price low but to lower the price. I believe that everyone should eat food that is healthy, convenient and sustainable. The GrowBot pays for itself in as little as 3 months but that depends greatly on how much you are paying for your food and how long your outdoor growing season is.
Grow Tomatoes
Why a GrowBot is Good For You
Grow your own healthy food with GrowBot for a fraction of what you would normally spend. Growbot takes care of all the watering, feeding and by it's design does not require weeding, feeding or digging. GrowBot makes growing food super easy for just about anyone. You also need to shop less and you can stop having to throw away store bought food that rotted in your refrigerator. GrowBot should pay for itself in the first four to six months. GrowBot requires Wifi and a water hose.
Easily Start Most Plants from Seed - Fennel
What Matters?
Your happiness and freedom are linked with everyone else. The more happy and free you are the more happy and free everyone else is. With healthy food you feel better, more energy and just happier. With more money in your pocket you should feel more secure. The more food you grow yourself the more indepedent and free you are. Being independent helps you tremendously with integrity one of the core foundations of a happy family, sound business and civil society. If you can do the above and you know you are not short changing future generations even better.
Grow Cucumbers, Sugar Snap Peas
Track Record
I have owned and operated DW Alliance LLC a software as a service company for over 15 years and still do. Most of our clients have been with us for 10+ years because we consistantly help them achieve their goals as it relates to our service/products. DW Alliance supports over 220,000 end users across a range of industries from legal to healthcare. Previous to DW Alliance I had owned Ocean Spring Seafoods in Anchorage Alaska and was a partner in Triune Seafoods in Anchorage Alaska where I was responsible for factory design, processing and distribution.
Pumpkins, Squash
My Life ....
Does this sound familiar? I got out of shape and over weight in my mid-thirties. By the end of my thirties I got scared for my life which started me living a healthy life. Nothing fancy just quality food, exercise and very little stress. The GrowBot has been a big part of living a great life. In Hawaii like many other places food is incredibly expensive so not having to buy as much food is a huge help to my family. I am hoping GrowBot will be a huge help to you and your family as well.
Quality and Dedication to Service
- 90 day satisfaction gurantee - Return your undamaged GrowBot in the first 90 days for any reason for a full refund on the cost of the GrowBot. Shipping not included.
- 2 year parts warranty - We will replace failed parts and take back the old part for recycling. Labor is not included but most parts only require a screw driver to replace.
- Estimated life of your GrowBot is 5+years. The parts that are likely to fail are the feed pumps($3), circulation pumps($5), relays ($8), and valves ($8) - prices are for 2015. The reason those parts are likely to fail is because they are mechanical and they are small. Fixing them is in our opinion cheap and easy.
Other ways to be involved?
- Show your GrowBot and share your genuine experience with family, friends and neighbors.
- Help Greg Horn get donations and volunteers so we can get GrowBots into schools, foodbanks, and other places.